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Monday, January 29, 2007

I'm feeling great cos I can finally squeeze time for swimming. Phew. Yeah!
Anyway, me tired. Going to sleep. One day I'll write a novel on my dream fairytale. For the time being, GoodnightZ.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Area Moonland's machine is faulty. Escape!
Area Moonland's machine is faulty. Escape!
The above sounds extremely familiar to me when I am in the CR, except that it's not area Moonland. Duh!
Oh well, what's my problem? Well, I am trying to escape from pple whom I accidentally added to msn, then keep asking me to send them my photos. Goodness knows what these people want with my pics. So scary...
Anyway, thanks for everyone's concern, I've gotten better. Actually (I think you, the reader is going to say that I'm nuts.) I've lost about 2 kg from this bout of flu. Heeheez. So something good came out of it after all. Sing says that I've proven that I'm a workaholic. And hey hey, Mel's back!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ok, I have no idea why I am down with flu although I know that you gals are going to say that its because I am sick and I don't take MC. I already took last week dears. I have no idea why I kena flu today. "Cos I was finally well without the dreaded cough. And yet this stupid flu had to come. Maybe its also because I eat too much junk food. I ate potato chips and drank cold drinks 'cos I was super bored with the same old food.
A lot of things I want to do when I get well...
1) Beach volleyball + Canoeing + Frisbee! Yes, when I get well...
2) sorry to a friend that I couldn't make it for California Fitness with you. Maybe I should resume my membership? I think with all that exercise, my health could improve.
3) Practice guitar, although I should be practising all the time...
4) Hey, maybe sick can lose weight huh? I haven't been exactly slim before, always got a bit plump and I hate my thighs! I'm serious. Although that bit of baby fat does make a person look younger
5) Play batminton. Been itching for that game for months. Yes, yes, I keep saying but no action.
Haha, things to look forward to when I get well...
Dun worry lah, I will down all the Vit C, Primrose Oil, Multivitamins etc that I can get my hands on, but still no veges please. =)
Ok lah, me gonna bathe liao.


Well well, my dear friend just said that with my workaholic attitude, later I whole entire life also not married. Hey, hey, dun curse me...I do want my own family and own kids, eventually. Can teach my children maths and english, go library borrow books, go for piano and swimming lessons...Nice Saturday evening by the beach, just sitting down there, singing songs with your loved ones...
But life's not so easy and so smooth-sailing. Everyone is born with different set of responsibilities and environment. There are many things that I regret in life, although I already told myself that I will not regret. Images still pop up now and then, and they say that the impact won't be that great until months or even years later. That's true, for me, images pop up now and then; and some things I really hate myself for; although I really know that that's the decisions that I have made and it was the best I could have done.
Well, in case you are's entry wasn't meant to gather any feedback or anything. I just feel like typing and typing and typing and just let my thoughts flow.
Maybe I should entry a more light-hearted one in my next blog? =)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Sometimes we just want a little time of our own, away from family and friend's obligations and just heck everyone else so that we can have some time of our own. I need just that. I am constanly expected to be doing this and that and even shopping also must go out with friends to shop meh? Sometimes, I feel that I can get things done all on my own more efficiently than with others around. Not trying to insult anyone here, maybe its just due to my independent streak? But doesn't everyone have an independent streak in all of us? When we have to meet up with others, be it family or friends, don't we have to wait for each other and seek other's opinions until we drag the whole entire process of something as simple as shopping? Today, I want my personal space. Whether I am going for gym, swim or whatever, I am going to do it at my own time and as and when I like. Just going to have an entire day of my own. Totally my own.


Welcome to the life of human beings.
I have been living in my fairyland long enough and its time for me to step out and have no fear. Just put my best foot forward to achieve my goals and nothing can stop me.
Life's short and I don't want to regret anything. Different people have different aims in life and that's what makes everyone so unique and special. There is no point quarreling or arguing about issues, just try to take a step back and put yourself in other people's shoes and try to understand. Although, sad to say, up to today, I still meet so many self-centered people who care more about themselves than anything and never try to understand others. To these people, their point of view is always correct. All I have to say is, if you have never been in a particular situation, you will never know and be able to comprehend. But at the very least, a person should be understanding of others. If not then, well I guess, the so-called friendship has failed. No point arguing especially if you have already tried umpteen times to make your friend understand but to no avail.
Like those friends whereby you make a point to contact them at the expense of your many responsibilities but they take it for granted and only contact you as and when they feel like it when they want something out of you. And while they are having fun, they totally forget your existence until months later. Plus you tried to maintain the friendship when you are in such a rotten situation and feeling totally lost. Don't you feel like you have been used by these people? Friends who have let you down time and again, I have only one thing to say "Forget it Lah!" Although we should always forgive and forget, but with each letdown, the more you ponder upon whether you can trust a person anymore.
Alright, I'm done complaining. What am I doing still up at 3.57am on a Saturday Night? Just had my primary school class gathering. Time really flies, it's been 12 years since we completed Primary School. Wow. We went for BBQ and had dessert at Holland V. I didn't know that there's a Settler's Cafe in Holland V as well. Always thought that there is only 1 branch at Clarke Quay.
Btw, Paris Hilton's singing in the background as I turn on my 98.7 FM station. Spent a bomb shopping today. Retail therapy always works. Sometimes, its good to shop alone without anyone 'cos you can get more shopping done and you don't have to wait for one another. Hahaz.
Why does everyone keep asking me what I do during weekends and why am I always so busy? Everyone has things to do what. It's whether you want to do them or not or just slack at home. It can be in the form of grocery shopping, practising music, exercise, or simply just catching up on your sleep.
Sigh, I have exceeded my sleepy time and I am actually wide awake now at 4.06am. Hahaz.
I got a set of VCDs to watch. Should I or should I not? Hmmm..
And there's the exercise I have been pushing back 'cos of my prolonged cough. Resume California Fitness membership? Aiyah, ok lah, stop my story-telling.
Dear gals, I know you think I have been more busy than usual but to me it's still the same old me. Last time when I worked weekends, juggled full-time studies and tuition also like that what. And I have got prolonged cough before, don't you remember? I think I am the kind who has got extremely sensitive lungs. No problem one, don't worry. Anyway, getting better liao. Heez. Somemore I keep on anyhow eat, of 'cos prolonged lah.
Ok lah, sleep time...or watch "Gong"? Hmm.....

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Maybe I'm just having a period of bad moods all the way? Or maybe I am just sick and tired of being accomodating to everyone and everything. I seriously think its time for me to just stick to my principles and my ideals and just do whatever I want to.
1)Let's say this friend of yours keeps calling you to go out and have fun everytime. But once he or she gets attached, he or she hecks you. Until cracks appear in their relationships or when they are single again, then they come and find you again for compainionship. Should you even bother about such people?
2)Let's say you treasure this old friendship of yours so much so that you'll never miss your pal's b'day. Even when they are down and out, you specially call them out to pass your friend your special Birthday gift for them. Then when its your birthday, he or she clean forgotten about it and you didn't even get a "Happy Birthday" sms. You bother about such people anymore?
3)And the stupid people who keep cutting queue when waiting for the bus at the bus interchange. Elderly and people who have leg pain or pregnant women I don't mind. But how about kids whose stupid mom ask they to hurry up go up the bus and cut queue? My goodness, what kind of parents are these? Teach the kid to cut queue one?
4)I extremely hate it when people keep using you as a benchmark for comparison. Healthy competition is fine and it makes a person improve and be better. But if it is until the fact that you get jealous and keep finding ways and means to put the other person down, then that's a super wrong mentality. Indeed.
5)And people like hairdressers whom you used to frequent but once you go to someone else for once or something, they are just not so friendly anymore...Is this the world? Who is nice for the sake of being nice and not just because they want something out of a person?
I rest my case. I want my peace. I am happy to be nice just because that is in my character. But if that subjects me to unfair treatment then I am not going to standby and continue to be used. Come'on, I am no idiot. Sometimes I just decide that human is all kind by nature and I am just not so calculative about things. But at times, I really feel very used and worn out by these people and wonder if I should just give a tit-for-tat treatment to them.
That's life? Hahahazzz...Cold laugh...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I know why people like to keep their blogs and their identities separate. Sometimes, we tend to have things we want to complain about but then again we just don't want to ruin a friendship or end up putting people down. Bu tthen we still need the blog as an outlet for our views and as a mode to gather feedback; that's where the delimma comes in, so to blog about a certain matter or not to blog? Or just put some general viewpoints that will not offend anyone. In that case, then you are still keeping things to yourself. So what's my conclusion? Hiaz, I still have decided to keep things either in another blog where u can't find me Hahaa! Or I just write in my very own diary.
Only the 4th day to the New Year, how come I have so much to complain? You bet I have. And I have been keeping so much stuff that I think I am going to expode if I dun complain. Hahaz...But what if the person I am complaining about reads this blog and knows I am referring to him or her? What if another person reads the blog but thinks that I am referring to him or her when in fact I am actually referring to someone else? Then we would have made enemies out of just words. When the initial intention is not to annoy or make enemies out of anyone but just simply an outlet for me to vent my viewpoints.
Ok, you are going to say, Moonkate, aren't you being hypocritical if you don't tell a person upfront what you think a person should change? My answer to that would be, well, come on, you want to be an unintentional Bad Guy out of nothing? Everyone has his or her flaws and good points. But not everyone can take the truth with a pinch of salt. There are many types of people out there...
1) some who ignore you once you are not able to help them achieve their goals, or fall in line with their plans; in what kind of meaning, you go decipher...I already said I can't annoy anyone so I am not going to elaborate further...
2) some who pretend to be nice when they want something from you, then perform the disappearing act for months, until they want something from you again, then they'll contact you
3) some with really thin skin, who can't lose anything and everything must fall in line with their plans, and if it doesn't then, you're not even friends anymore
4) some who on the other hand, have super thick skin and can't get the hint no matter how many times you hint, or how many times your friends have hinted, or rather, even blatantly spell it out in front of their face but alas, this sad group of people still resume in their own ways...
I feel sorry for the world...
5) some who don't spell things out clearly but are so nice you wonder what's their motive and what will happen if one day you don't fall in line with their plans, a scary bunch of people indeed...
Am I being pessimistic here? Not really...I read that Optimists live longer so I am trying to be be a nice optimistic girl and forget about my irritation after publishing this blog. Wahaha...

One more thing to add, msn has different definitions for many different people. To some, "Busy" may be "Still can disturb", to others, "Busy" may be "Stop clicking on my profile you irritating
fella!" so how do we differentiate them? Some may argue, if you don't want pple to talk to you, why do you let people see that you are "Away" or "Busy"? Might as well put "Offline" or "Invisible"?

Hiaz..the world is full of great people. I shall let these great people argue amongst themselves. As for me, I have vented my thoughts. Now its time to rest my tired little brain. And yes, the "Some" people above may or may not be referring to whichever you who is reading this blog. It's so general, it could mean anything, couldn't it? And I haven't offended anyone, have I? I hope not. Hmm.....
Ok then, going to rest my tired little brain. Kudos. Ciao.

Moonkate's fairytale world is where the men, the women and the entire animal kingdom all live in peace and harmony. They have unicorns for pets and with a snap of their fingers, the kitchen cleans itself. There is no housework to be done and no dishes to fight over. The pets clean themselves up after they dirty the place. You can eat anything you want without falling sick. Food is delievered just by wishing. Everbody has their own "Flylevator"--a cute forever-friend lookalike bear that has wings and carries a cabin on its back and can ferry you around. The cabin also has its own ipod nano and you can wish for whatever rock star to sit with you at different times of the day. Nobody falls sick, ever and all have eternal life... Ok lah, think I am crapping too far liaoz... Moonkate is basically made of of "Moon"and "Kate"...that is still, one single person... Both are neither alter egos nor good friends...they are just the same person... Moonkate likes to read, go gym, joing yoga classes, swim, drink red wine, and take on challenges. Her friends are just like her, crappy and serious...oooo, contradicting... Hahahaz...


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