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Friday, February 16, 2018

If you could wake up tomorrow and say and do exactly what you wanted to do, without worrying about what anyone else thought, or worrying that you were being selfish, or that you would hurt others by your truths, what would your life look like?

I’ll tell you one thing, for sure: 
You wouldn’t be bitching and moaning. 
You wouldn’t be crying. 
You wouldn’t be filled with regret or confusion
And you wouldn’t be full of fear or longing for something else, because you would be doing anything and everything that was true to you.

Simple, huh?

Suffice it to say however, I can totally understand what the difficulty for most of us who aren’t living our purpose — being our true selves is, it’s because we’re imagining all kinds of things like how others won’t accept our choices or us for being our authentic selves. We worry that we may be perceived as selfish if we pursue what it is we really want, or, that we may hurt people in that pursuit.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011


When the person you like you have no access to but the person you don't like like you.
And to add on to that, another person like you but your best buddy likes him.
As a result, your best buddy hates you and the person that likes you avoids you...


Am I going to lose all my friends this didn't do anything wrong...

Friday, September 02, 2011

Have I really moved on with life?

Yeah in some ways yes and in some ways no.

Generally I have learnt a lot this past year on life and how to move on from here.

I have learnt how to grow up and handle adult matters.

I have learnt to stand up for myself and not to fear to stand up for what's fair and just.

I hope that I have not disappointed anyone.

I am doing my best, everyday to move on from here.

Have to start making plans.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Will I be able to come out of everything whole again? I seriously don't know. Everyday I tell myself that things will get better from here but I still keep seeing clouds. I know I should think positively but it gets worse when I'm alone by myself. All the memories start to flood back. I need an avenue to release and I guess I've found my avenue.

As for the rest of my life, well I just have to stay positive and move on. Step by step, slowly or rapidly, it doesn't matter. I am afraid of being alone. But yet I know I have to get used to it. I can't settle for second best because I know I will regret it. On hindsight, a lot of things were totally unpredictable. What life has in store I don't know. I only know that its going to be good. I'm scared but yes its going to be good.

And everything will flow on from here.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Those pals who know me since I was young will really understand...I've been through a lot the past year and I am finally moving on with my life. Now is a good time to reflect on and think. Yes, I am scared inside sometimes but I know I will survive because Buddha and God is with me.
I learnt that marriage is not always such as what we see it. In the past, people told me that you need a partner to be with you till the rest of your life. But all that is not important anymore. Because we don't know when things will go wrong and when your partner will leave you. Hence, you should always be prepared for the future. Such as seeing your ex bf going to get married in less than a year while you waited aimlessly for 3 years or with one that left you to handle all the stress while claiming that he loves you. We gotta all live with it and move on.
I love my family and they will always be in my heart, body and soul. Until the day I meet the guy who can be my soulmate. Whom I can share my heart with. Till then, now is the time I move on to the next phase of my life. Heaven please look after us. Need you.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I know its CNY and I shouldn't be writing all this but this is really all my personal thoughts lately.

What is the meaning of life?
Is it to find a partner, get married, have kids, see them grow up then retire and die?
Is it to work your whole life away then one day find out that you have a sickness and you have less than a year to live then start to regret the things you could have done?
Is it to control diet and keep yourself healthy but still end up having end stage cancer and still die in the end?
Is it to earn a lot of money, have a lot of status and wealth but nothing meaningful to bring to the coffin?
Is it to devote your whole life away to be a swinging bachelor/bachelorette but still end up lonely? Or end up dying of a heart attack while visiting a prostitute?
Is it to devote your wholfe life away to a particular religion and live the life of that particular religion religiously?
Is it to attain satisfaction from being the top and then end up having the hradest fall of your life when you realise how inhumane you have been in order to get to the top?
So what is status?
So what is power?
So what is money?
So what is being desirable?
So what if you are darn good-looking?
So what if you have a lot of girlfriends or boyfriends? What is there to be proud of?
That these people are attracted to your looks or your money or your status?
Simply meaningless.
No matter how much money you earn, you can never bring all that to the coffin.
No matter who you marry, you never know when he or she is going to cheat on you or when he or she will change.
No matter how many children you have, you never know what they will do to you when you are penniless and of no use to them.
So at the end of the day, what is the meaning of life?
Why are we here for in this world?
To suffer, to pay our debts and figure out what we are here for?
Will we really figure out what we are here for?
Or will we only try to psycho ourselves that we know what we want and end up living that lie our whole life?
Or have you never really thought about this question in the first place and never wondered what we are here for?
Alright, I know everyone thinks I have been thinking too much. But I don't think I have thought too much. I feel that people think that way 'cos they have not seen the things I have seen despite not being very old in age. A lot of people my generation haven't seen so many hard knocks in life yet because they have everything planned for by their parents and they just follow their parents' wishes.
I want to figure out my purpose in life. I want to find my polestar because when I die, one fine day, I want to leave without regrets and know that I have done my best in this lifetime.
I want my life to be meaningful, well-lived and memorable.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Let's look at the brightside of life today...
1) At least I left work early
2) At least I met an old friend whom I haven't seen in ages...
3) At least I managed to complete my product startup
4) At least I still have many people around me who love and care for me
5) At least I have time to plan for what I want to do with the rest of my life
6) Sometimes, we have no control over certain things and somethings happen for a reason
7) At least a good friend is coming back this weekend
8) At least I have good buddies I'm meeting this Friday
9) At least I have a team of nice people to work with
10) At least I still have a purpose in life

Well, I just gotta stay positive yah?

Moonkate's fairytale world is where the men, the women and the entire animal kingdom all live in peace and harmony. They have unicorns for pets and with a snap of their fingers, the kitchen cleans itself. There is no housework to be done and no dishes to fight over. The pets clean themselves up after they dirty the place. You can eat anything you want without falling sick. Food is delievered just by wishing. Everbody has their own "Flylevator"--a cute forever-friend lookalike bear that has wings and carries a cabin on its back and can ferry you around. The cabin also has its own ipod nano and you can wish for whatever rock star to sit with you at different times of the day. Nobody falls sick, ever and all have eternal life... Ok lah, think I am crapping too far liaoz... Moonkate is basically made of of "Moon"and "Kate"...that is still, one single person... Both are neither alter egos nor good friends...they are just the same person... Moonkate likes to read, go gym, joing yoga classes, swim, drink red wine, and take on challenges. Her friends are just like her, crappy and serious...oooo, contradicting... Hahahaz...


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